Celsi Monitor
Principal Industrial Design Consultant
The Celsi Monitor, a low-cost portable device used to continuously monitor a newborn’s body temperature.
Working in collaboration with 3rd Stone Design, RSiD was asked to design a neonatal thermometer to be deployed in the sub-saharan countries. It is used in the baby wards to help nurses and technicians monitor a premature baby’s temperature which is too often the cause of death in new-borns in low resource settings.
The large display allows the nurses to monitor the temperature from a distance. In case the baby’s temperature is not within normal range a sound is emitted from the hidden speaker, in addition the top portion of the unit lighting up, alerting the nurse for action.
There is an integrated silicone strap that allows for the quick attachment to a variety of crib rails, IV poles, etc.
It’s simple, iconic and soft design works well in the neonatal wards.
Designed the LCD font and the icons.
Designed for Hadleigh Health Technologies / Rice 360.